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2023-2024 Alumnae Board

Board Chair

Susie Mostofizadeh-Walsh

Class of 2017

Undergraduate Degree: B.S.E. Biomedical Engineering
Current Job: Automotive Safety Engineer at Honda R&D Americas
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: Watching the Bachelor with my sisters and friends in my apartment in the winter.  Drinking tea together while watching admittedly bad tv are some of my favorite memories!
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: Being able to reconnect with sisters from when I was in school and get to know the actives now!

Collegiate Advising Chair

Emily Pestello

Class of 2017

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. Psychology and Cognitive Science, cum laude 
Additional Degree(s): Master of Occupational Therapy
Current Job: Occupational Therapist
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: Watching my littles grow in so many ways while we were active together and after I have graduated. They have grown into such incredible people and have grown in so many different ways. They make me so proud and remind me of why I love this organization so very much.
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: I love being connected to the active chapter and watch individual members grow within the organization. I also love to see that no matter how much logistics or policies changes, the heart of our members and the values they hold remain the same.

Image by K. Mitch Hodge

Collegiate Recruitment Advisor

Sarah Woods

Class of 2016

Undergraduate Degree
Additional Degree(s)
Current Job
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board


Collegiate General Advisor

Sarah Hyde-Pinner

Class of 2006

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. in Theater Arts
Additional Degree(s): M.Ed in Adult Learning & Development
Current Job: Program Director, Minds Matter Cleveland

Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: It's hard to pick just one memory, but THE LOBBY. I have so many warm feelings about just hanging out with folks and feeling kinship with other Sigs.Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: I'm happy to be part of the Board to support a positive Sigma Psi experience for collegiate members. 


Foundation Chair

Jenna Bailey

Class of 2017

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. Nursing

Current Job: Mother-Baby Nurse
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: Rope pull practices at night!
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: Getting to reminisce with peers my age while also getting to interact with current generations.


Alumni Engagement Chair

Sophie Cos

Class of 2019

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. History

Additional Degree(s)M.A. in History, M.S. in Library and Information Science

Current Job: Assistant Archivist
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: Dinners with my family line; it was always so nice to have everyone together!
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: I love connecting alumni from around the world and across the decades; it shows me the lasting strength of our sisterhood!


Membership Chair

Alyx Struble

Class of 2019

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. in Management

Additional Degree(s)Masters of Human Resource Management and M.B.A.

Current Job: Human Resources Supervisor for Radius Networks|Flybuy
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: chaotic massive group Starbucks run at midnight during recruitment 🙂
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board


Special Events Chair

Lauren Walters

Class of 2020

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. Sociology

Additional Degree(s): Masters in Social Work

Current Job: Therapist

Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: Meeting my little!

Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: Staying in touch with other alums


Board Treasurer

Ashley Lowry

Class of 2008

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. Mathematics
Additional Degree(s): Biostatistics M.S. & M. Ed. (Mathematics AYA Certification)
Current Job: Biostatistician with Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: Two memories come to mind: Winning Rope Pull my senior year and the night we cleaned out the recruitment closest and were sword fighting with topiaries.
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: Interacting with the active chapter and seeing how some things really haven't changed over time.


Operations and Continuity Advisor

Christine Yu

Class of 2015

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. History
Additional Degree(s): Master of Information
Current Job: Associate Archivist
Favorite Sigma Psi Memory: We used to watch Chopped and eat absolute garbage snacks in the common room while debating how to best "transform" the ingredients, which was just extremely funny for a group of people going in on a Costco sized bag of vegetable straws.
Favorite Thing About Being Involved with the Board: I love going through the drive and seeing names from when I was active, a real throwback.

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