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Sigma Psi prides ourselves on our dedication to scholarship, with a focus on intellectual development and professional development along with academic performance. Sisters are also members of numerous honors societies including Gamma Sigma Alpha, Tau Beta Pi, Mortar Board Society, and Psi Chi. Our sisters not only participate in these honor societies, but also serve as executive board members within these organizations.

The Emerald Program

The Emerald Program is a mentorship and program that introduces our new members to scholarship within Sigma Psi. New Members are paired with an older member by major, career, path or professional development goals. They work together to help the new member understand the Daffodil Program and how the chapter experience can help enhance the new member's academic goals.

Scholarship Programming

Sisters earn scholarship hours by doing the academic things they need to do to succeed at CWRU. This includes activities such as going to a professors office hours or attending a Sigma Psi study session. Sisters are expected to earn 10 scholarship hours a semester.

This program also included activities rewarding sisters for activities that go beyond the minimum needed to be a successful student. Hours are also given for participating in intellectual and career development, along with excellent grades in academic courses.

Scholastic Recognition

Each semester, sisters are recognized for outstanding achievements in their grades, the Daffodil Program, and commitment to intellectual development. The Sigma Psi Alumnae Association offers awards semesterly to recognize outstanding members for their scholarship, leadership, and citizenship.

Cleveland, OH 44106

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